I've been through a lot of trauma mostly containing through real life experiences but I wanted to share my story about what I was forced to go through, main reasons I am making a whole strawpage for this is so I don't have to keep retelling it can just send people this, I'm also hoping this can help others understand certain things and maybe even something others can relate to

Please be aware of these topics and if they are triggering to you please do not read this (most might be censored) 

animal abuse/animal murder, degradation, it's a lot and I don't really know how to explain most of it I'm sorry

read at your own risk.

Our story starts here. the year is maybe 2018 or 2019, before dp 2 was ever even thought of (sorry it's just the only way I can remember this) just moving into a new town with my mother to get out of a older smaller town. I was young maybe 6 at the time, I didn't understand really much I was young and innocent. My mother met a man this man would soon be my step dad, The only reason we came to this shitty town is because my grandma's boyfriend at the time wanted to visit his sister. (My 'aunt') it was nice. It felt at home, the change of leaving so many animals we once had until we found out that same 'boyfriend' of my grandma's was plotting against us, he let our dogs starve, losing many of them I came to know and love. We had a rabbit outside which my step dad had to put out of its.. Misery. We were pissed who wouldn't be? We soon came to meet my step dads family which didn't live to far (they were on the same block as us) and they looked and seemed okay at first, like normal loving people with party energy, I met two people we'll call.. Babygirl, and fatass (based off their real nicknames) Now both were okay at first they were the only people I got to talk to around my same age I hadn't gone to school yet because my mom had to drop me out of my previous one, it being to far away to still go to, but babygirl and fatass would soon start to toy with my kindness, using me for food, stuff and really.. Most things kids their age would want, toys? fatass once ate one of my Barbie doll shoes it was so weird. He was gross. After a good while, they started to change. The truth began to break it's way out like their true intentions coming out. (I really don't feel like putting some other shit I don't feel that is important <3) huge jump. it's now the 2020's start of the pandemic everyone having to go through a huge change with the new worries and regards, We became like animals in this house. This. Shitty house we were trapped in, my dad getting more paranoided as the years passed, them making up stories of us, talking shit of us behind our backs, being their 'true' selfs, I guess... And that same 'shack' house they wanted so bad. Doing everything (I mean everything.) To have it, which it wasn't even special, I forgot to mention these people were FAMILY. I also forgot to mention my step dads grandpa aka my great grandpa, he's very important in this story and well they'd go so far as to threatens us with cps coming down and animal protection services, why? We had..to many dogs, some in cages due to dog fights, one day (I wasn't here at the time) a cop we'll call Bob forced himself in and well at the time my great grandpa had a right mind, he was himself he broke his arm and got caught blah blah I'm sorry I'm impatient and want to get to the cause here. We were so scared that cps would come inside. See all the dogs and put them in jail and take me away, we couldn't take them to the pound due to their conditions and loss of fur. Tw for animal death/murder coming up, so my dad only had one opinion if he wanted us safe. He had to kill his own dogs he loved, he did. He poisoned them. He cried, which he barely ever cries but he cried he had to put them out of their misery and hide the bodies. God it hurt he didn't want to do it, it wasn't even an opinion to not do it, but they never even came over, they forced us to do this when it wasn't even needed but we didn't know at first. God were we MAD. We were forced out of our own house. we got our shit stolen. we were supposed to be forced into a one bedroom house which wouldn't be enough for the 5 of us, but thanks to my dads mom we got a better house, the house we had lived in for almost half of our life's or that we came so close to and be so comfortable in, out. it happened so fast, We barely got all our shit into the new house (we were already planning on moving because we had enough of their shit, they were doing a lot to us) my stepdad was left at the house but we got out as the same "family" tried to gang up on him and cops came down to the new house I was freaking out. I was Shaking even, just to see if my great grandpa was out of the house (he had a stroke due to that cop) and some1 else tried to follow us here, the landlord had to yell em off the yard. My step dad went back to the house the next day or so and found horrific things. We had many cats come inside our house due to a hole behind the Washing medicine we fed and loved those cats but most of them had been killed by a neighbors dog, one even sacrificed (a new born kitten to be really exact) my cat. That I loved so dearly, gone. The house was in worse condition then we left it, they destroyed it, stealing half of our shit, putting the power out, the water, ripping out the toilet and the shower, fucking flooding the house. we were all on edge finally being free and not being near them, being able to put stuff outside and not get it stolen, being able to go outside, being able to go around and not worry about getting attacked by them. We were. At peace for the time being, we were settling in our new house, still on edge being so used to being agonized and used to being on a drug infested block it was so quiet. So weird.. My step dads mom helped us with food and stuff because we had lost basically everything, they had stolen some pretty important stuff from us and we couldn't do anything about it, as time went by, one day some cops came to our door with a social service worker and I had to run to get my dad and his mom and them they came down, a fight almost happened and more and more cops came in God you'd think we'd been busted for drugs with the amount of cops coming in, I was scared I clinged onto to my and cried wanting them to leave, one Night they threatened to kick down our door. get this, the whole town we lived signed a petition to get us out of the town, you'd think we were criminals but we are just normal people. We are currently getting justice for all of this, taking them to court. But I'm sorry that I didn't explain this to well I'm lazy.. But if you read all of this thank you. Really, thank you<3